Research Overview
The Environmental Engineering Laboratories are part of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Maryland. Our research supports the idea that fundamental environmental research will serve as the basis for solving the problems faced by future generations. Practical engineering research is necessary to solve current environmental problems.
The labs function to support analysis of environmental samples which focus on the fate and processes involved in three main areas of research: organic pollutants, inorganic pollutants, and environmental microbiology.
The biofilms laboratory, headed by Associate Prof. Birthe Kjellerup, investigates how bacteria can assist in the degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and other contaminants in the environment and wastewater systems.
The inorganic pollutant laboratory, headed by Prof. Allen Davis, researches storm water and its effect on nutrient and metal concentrations in rivers and how to retain these pollutants in bioengineered systems.
The persistent organic pollutant laboratory, headed by Prof. Alba Torrents, includes contamination and processes in wastewater, agriculture, and legacy contamination in soils; and a focus on a mechanistic understanding of fate and transport.
The resource recovery laboratory (N.E.S. Lab, nutrient-energy-smart), headed by Assistant Prof. Guangbin Li, focuses on remove and recovery of valuable nutrient and resources from engineered systems, including wastewater reclamation facility (WRF) and landfill, and the fate, transformation, and (bio)degradation of emerging organic contaminants caused by human activities.
More information about our graduate programs can be found
All of the Environmental Engineering laboratories are equipped for state of the art environmental analyses, and are supported by laboratory manager Marya Anderson. The labs are primarily utilized for graduate research projects, but are also used for undergraduate research projects as well as graduate and undergraduate course special projects.
Much of the instrumentation is used for specific research projects, but several instruments are available to support UMD users from other departments. Specific training, protocols, and authorization are required. For more information please visit the